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Rob Walat Quoted by Managing IP on Adding Value for Clients

Rob Walat was quoted by Managing IP in an article titled “Law Firm Leaders: Proving Value to Clients Goes Beyond ‘Simple Metrics.’” In this article, law firm leaders analyze a UnitedLex survey on how firms prove value to their clients.

Rob comments on the importance of budgeting and how Wolf Greenfield utilizes the firm’s legal operations management team to ensure clients are receiving the highest quality of work at the most appropriate price. “Their focus is helping us monitor or budgets and communications with clients around budgets so there are no surprises,” said Rob. “It’s a very important piece of what we do.”

In addition, Rob discusses how some factors in the survey are client dependent. For instance, patent term adjustments are something clients in the life sciences industry care deeply about because the end of a patent term is extremely important for them. Read more (subscription required).