Make your mark. Trademark & Copyright

We partner with you, utilizing our decades of experience to ensure that your business assets are safe. With rigorous analysis, strategy, and execution, we demand excellence in our work product, and understand that being responsive, anticipating needs, and delivering timely, cost-effective results is critical.

Relationships matter.

The most successful outcomes result when we work with clients as partners, understanding your goals and culture, and working together to protect your assets and communicate your brand’s promise.

22 k
More than 22,000 active trademarks under management
850 +
Performed more than 850 searches in 2023 alone
900 +
Handled more than 900 cases before the TTAB in the past decade
1,400 +
Filed more than 1,400 trademark applications in 2023
Ryan and Lin-1
Full range of services.

We advise clients on the full range of trademark and copyright issues, from clearance, selection and use, to prosecution of trademark and copyright registrations in the US and other countries, to enforcement of rights worldwide. We provide advice on internet issues, domain name registrations, and dispute resolution as well as software copyright licensing and royalty issues. Clients also turn to us for counseling on international anti-counterfeiting and anti-parallel trade strategies, and an array of licensing issues, including development and collateral security agreements.

Sophisticated in-house searching.

Our experienced in-house trademark search professionals set us apart from other firms, providing lower costs and quicker turnarounds for our clients. When providing clearance reports and opinions, we know the type of information you are looking for, and that you need it delivered in a concise and easy-to-read format. Our counseling during the early phases of trademark development helps to avoid costly conflicts or enforcement problems down the road.

International presence.

The international market can be a maze of independent legal systems, treaties, and agreements, and clients rely on us to develop cost-effective global strategies for determining where and when to protect their trademark and copyright assets. We understand how international filings fit within overall business goals and rely on a well-established network of international “partners” to efficiently extend our reach worldwide.

Enforcement experience.

When it becomes necessary to enforce our clients' trademarks, trade dress, or copyrights, we create strategies on when and where to litigate, whether to seek arbitration or other ADR solutions, and how to craft a winning trial strategy. We have extensive experience with administrative and federal litigation, customs, and UDRP (domain name) matters throughout the world.


TTAB experience.  

We routinely handle oppositions, cancellations, and appeals before the US Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) and have a proven track record of effectively negotiating and winning for our clients.

For the most up-to-date, in-depth TTAB analysis, check out the invaluable TTABlog by our own John Welch.

We represent clients in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Advertising Agencies
  • Biotechnology Products and Services
  • Cannabis
  • Chemical Technologies
  • Clothing, Footwear, and Fashion Accessories
  • Computer Hardware and Software
  • Consulting Services
  • Electronics and Electronic Components
  • Entertainment Services
  • Financial Services
  • Food, Beverages, and Restaurants
  • Healthcare
  • Housewares
  • Internet Technologies
  • Jewelry and Luxury Goods
  • Manufacturing Equipment
  • Medical Devices
  • Office Supplies and Office Services
  • Online and Mobile Apps and Services
  • Pet Products
  • Publishing
  • Retail Operations
  • Sporting Goods and Exercise Equipment
  • Toys and Video Games
  • Travel Services
  • University Brands

Protecting best-in-class brands from world-wide competition.

Why our clients choose to partner with us.

What stands out most is the firm’s inquisitive and creative culture; they don’t just provide expert counsel, they roll up their sleeves and ideate to develop and refine innovative and valuable solutions.

Paul Metaxatos
Principal, Motiv Design

Working with the Wolf Greenfield team is always a positive experience. Their guidance has been critical in helping us grow our brand.

Alisa Marie Beyer
CEO, Spa Girls Cocktails

The Wolf Greenfield trademark team has stayed closely attuned to our organization’s needs as we have grown and changed over the years. The team’s consistent responsiveness and collegiality has been exceptional.

Chambers USA

It combines a rich tradition with a forward-thinking approach to brands and a responsive, cost-effective service, making it the complete package for companies as they select, protect, and enforce trademarks the world over.


Wolf Greenfield is very client focused. They are extremely knowledgeable, get documents to our company allowing for sufficient time to reply prior to deadlines, are always responsive, and make the time for calls whenever needed to review issues. I have no issues or concerns in dealing with this firm and would highly recommend them to others.

NASDAQ-listed Life Sciences Technology Company

Trademark & Copyright Experience

A client with an imminent publishing deadline came to us to provide clearance opinions on over a dozen product trademarks, which we were able to do within 24 hours.

We advised a multinational manufacturer in its selection and clearance of a new house mark, including conducting trademark searches throughout the world.

We regularly collaborate with a renowned branding agency to clear marks for its high-profile clients.
We advised a famous food company on prosecution and defense of its trademark rights worldwide, including prosecution issues, policing infringements, and opposing problematic third-party trademarks.

For a developer of a children’s education platform, we obtained registrations for characters integral to the delivery of its educational content.

We routinely manage IP issues in various corporate business transactions, including the conduct of due diligence on trademark portfolios and the review and negotiation of transactional documents relating to the purchase.

On behalf of a well-known candy company, we spearheaded efforts to stop manufacturers of e-cigarettes and edible marijuana from using food names and/or confusingly similar marks in the sale of these products.

We negotiated the purchase of a blocking portfolio of registrations from a pharmaceutical competitor for well-below market value.

For a luxury shoe distributor, we designed an anti-counterfeit protocol, successfully shutting down numerous websites with counterfeit and/or grey market goods.

We represented a shoe manufacturer in numerous trademark infringement matters, including actions against competing shoe and clothing companies for infringement of its marks.

We have handled a large number of trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings filed by clients worldwide.

On behalf of a well-known candy company, we successfully opposed registration of a competitor’s mark under the option of Accelerated Case Review—a process that allows parties to side-step most discovery and instead come up with a list of agreed-upon facts. This allowed us to streamline the proceeding and focus our efforts on our brief, which resulted in significant cost savings for our client.

We represented a European fashion company in successfully overturning a United States Patent and Trademark Office refusal to register a design mark containing the term “AUX ETATS UNIS,” which the Office had deemed geographically deceptive of luggage.

For a podcasting company accused of trademark infringement, obtained summary judgment of no infringement and a large attorneys’ fees award.
For a podcasting company, assisted in developing a comprehensive plan for registering copyrights and helped implement that plan. 
Successfully defended a smaller footwear manufacturer from trademark infringement claims from a much larger manufacturer.
Routinely assist a large on-line platform with defending against copyright infringement allegations. 
Working with several online retailers on managing very large portfolios of disparate goods throughout the world and assist them as they accelerate growth through expansion of the brands.
We are working with a multinational financial services company in the area of legacy brand protection and enforcement.
Obtained reversal of federal district court’s dismissal of a lawsuit alleging unfair competition in the use of our client’s band name.
In addition to handling their worldwide trademark portfolio, we represent a high-end, luxury apparel designer in oppositions and cancellations at the TTAB, and challenge infringing domain names in UDRP proceedings.
We manage the worldwide trademark portfolio for a Dominican meat products company based in New Jersey. Our work includes providing trademark clearance opinions, applying for and prosecuting trademarks worldwide, and maintaining and enforcing trademark rights.


Past Events

AOAIOIP: Meanwhile Back at the TTAB: The Year in Review

John Welch will present “Meanwhile Back at the TTAB: The Year in Review” at the 34th All Ohio Annual Institute on Intellectual Property (AOAIOIP). The two day conference is ...
