Brian D. Polizzotti

Brian D. Polizzotti, PhD

Technology Specialist | Chemical & Materials Technologies
617.646.8446 LinkedIn Profile


  • BS, Chemistry, Temple University
  • MS, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware
  • PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware
  • JD, Suffolk University Law School, 2028 Candidate

Key Technologies

  • Medical Devices
  • Cancer Biology
  • Microbubbles 
  • Biomaterials
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Microfluidics
  • Hydrogels
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Protein Engineering
  • Peptide Chemistry
  • Small Molecule Synthesis
  • Electrocatalysts

Practice Groups


  • Boston


Brian Polizzotti assists the firm in patent prosecution, freedom-to-operate analysis, landscape analysis, and patentability analysis in areas related to chemistry and materials science as well as biotechnology. With a background spanning chemistry, biology, engineering, and medicine, Brian utilizes his experience when working with clients to translate technologies from concept to commercialization.

Brian’s interdisciplinary experience focuses on the use of materials to solve key problems in the medical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and energy sectors. He has over two decades of experience working on diverse technologies ranging from electrocatalysts, peptide chemistry, protein engineering, hydrogels, nano- and microparticle chemistry and fabrication, acoustic sensors, and micro-electrolytic and fluidic devices. He also has extensive experience with development of small and large animal models of critical illnesses and cancer biology.

Brian’s intellectual property experience includes US and international patent application preparation and numerous responses to the USPTO.

Prior to joining Wolf Greenfield, Brian was an Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital, where he was the Founding Director of the Translational Research Laboratory. In this role, he was responsible for creating, managing, and funding a research portfolio of therapeutics and devices aimed at reversing systemic and localized tissue hypoxia, monitoring cardiac pressures and oxygen metabolism, improving infection control, and reversing ischemia reperfusion injury. He also developed polymeric nano- and microbubbles for intravenous and intratumoral oxygen delivery and acoustic biosensors, microfluidic-based on-demand oxygen generators, super hydrophilic polymeric volume expanders, and implantable micro-electrolytic oxygen generators, among others. His work resulted in a total of eight patent applications. Prior to this, Brian was a Lead Engineer in the Membranes and Separations Group at General Electric’s Global Research Laboratory.

Before beginning his career, Brian completed his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Delaware. He has also completed two postdoctoral fellowships: one at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he was a Howard Hughes Fellow; and a second in the Department of Cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital, where he was a T32 Fellow. During his second fellowship Brian also worked as a Research Affiliate in Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Brian is a seasoned technical writer, with over 30 publications in peer review journals.


  • General Electric Collaboration Award, General Electric Level IV Award for creativity and imagination, 2008
  • General Electric Patent Award (US Patent No. 9,469,839 B2, US Patent No. 8,961,787 B2, and EP Patent No. 2 352 533 B1), 2008
