Where to Appeal a TTAB Decision? The Choice is Complicated
John Welch co-authored an article published by World Trademark Review titled "Where to Appeal a TTAB Decision? The Choice is Complicated." Read more (subscription required).
John Welch co-authored an article published by World Trademark Review titled "Where to Appeal a TTAB Decision? The Choice is Complicated." Read more (subscription required).
An article co-authored by John Strand titled “Does the Buck(eye) Stop Here? Sixth Circuit Reinstates Ohio State Trademark Claims,” was featured in World Trademark Review. Read more (subscription requi...
The time bar in Section 315(b) says that IPR may not be instituted if the petition was filed more than one year after the petitioner was “served with a complaint alleging infringement of the patent.” ...
(as published in the May 2021 issue of the American Chemical Society's Northeast Section publication of The Nucleus)
Roughly a year after lockdowns occurred nationwide, its impact on the country’s federal court system is still being felt. While the strain of the pandemic and its attendant restrictions are universall...
Jonathan Roses was the lead author on behalf of the Boston Patent Law Association’s (BPLA’s) Patent Office Practice and Licensing Committees of an April 2021 Response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemakin...
On February 11, 2021 the Federal Circuit upheld a United States District Court for the District of Delaware decision finding that Amgen’s function-only anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibody claims were noten...
Authors: Jason Balich, K. Blake Chancellor, Sam Estabrooks, Eric Greenwald, Chelsea Loughran, Gabe McCool, Marie McKiernan, Kevin Mosier, Jonathan Roses, Claire Schuster, Charlie Steenburg, Patrick Wa...
Discretionary denial has been a hot topic at the PTAB. On Wednesday, February 24th, Wolf Greenfield hosted a webinar to discuss discretionary denial at the PTAB, and in particular, discretionary denia...
John Welch co-authored the January-February 2021 edition of The Trademark Reporter, The Law Journal of The International Trademark Association (INTA). Titled “United States Annual Review: The Seventy-...
Jonathan Roses was the lead author on behalf of the Boston Patent Law Association's (BPLA’s) Patent Office Practice and ad hoc Diversity & Inclusion Committees of a February 2021 Response to USPTO...
Overview On December 11, 2020, the PTAB issued a Final Written Decision in Illumina, Inc. v. Natera, Inc., IPR2019-01201, upholding the validity of Natera Inc.’s patent for determining genetic data fr...